What’s to come…

This amazing #beautyhaul is just a preview of things to come.  Some call them first impressions but I use review.  Some of these products are in heavy rotation in my daily routine while others are new to try.  I should probably confess that writing here has given me the gusto to try things that I’ve not been bold enough to try now.  I’m talking about loose pigments held by adhesive and glitter 🙃. I’ve already raved about my favorite primer Hourglass mineral primer, if you missed it).  While these would be considered premium and luxury brands I am working on quite a few things for a drug store #beautyhaul which will highlight some of the usual favs and many secrets.  Please also know that Morphe will be in heavy review as I just received my first palette and now have a brush subscription (yes, I plan to review this services).

I strive to provide an unbiased opinion and assessment of the products that I come across.
